Formula Femme will definitely be run at 10 laps this weekend.
There were some reservations about "closing speeds", but I don't believe it's a huge concern as closing speeds within the Formula Femme race alone are already extreme. I'm picturing Edda and Yolanda, for instance. That's not intended as a knock on Yoyo, it's just an observation that the skill sets and speeds of the racers within the Formula Femme race are already pretty varied. I expect Yolanda will lap only a little more quickly than Alan in HVULW. I expect Edda will lap most of the field once and some twice in ten laps.
We have the option of splitting these races and extending the day further if we wish. It'll just put even more of a premium on keeping the schedule tight....which we did a really good job of at the last race!
Edda, do you see a safety issue leaving FF and HVULW combined?