Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions about Track Days:

When a motorcyclist thinks about riding on a race track for the first time, there is usually a number of questions that they would like to have answered.  The following is an attempt to provide these answers in one convenient place.  If anyone has additional questions that should be put here, please send them to SMRI via the Directory page.

What do I have to do to prep my street bike for a track day?

  • You'll need take off your mirrors (if you can, if not they will have to be taped up) & license plate, & put tape over your headlight, taillight, & turn signals (or take them off).  Make sure that your brake pads & tires are good, & that everything else is in good condition (no leaks, blown fork seals, etc.)  You are NOT required to change your coolant for a track day.  There are always riders/racers at the track that are more than willing to help you get your bike ready.

What protective gear do I need?

  • You'll need a helmet (SNELL, DOT, or EU-approved, preferably that is less than 5 years old), leather boots that cover your ankle bone, gloves that cover your wrists, & a leather suit (or an armored synthetic suit, i.e. Aerostich), all in good condition.  The suit can be 1-piece or 2-piece, provided that it zips together.

What if I don't have leathers?

  • SMRI has leathers available for Riders to use.  

How much does it cost?

  • A full track day costs $150, all tickets must be purchased online from the club's website. 

Is riding on a race track intimidating?

  • At first, it can be, but it is quite a thrill!  You can concentrate on learning & improving your skills without worrying about cops, cars, & what's around the next corner.  Sessions are split into 3 groups, depending on the number of riders.  You'll ride with other riders who are going similar speeds.  There will be experienced instructors, racers, and a track side vendor who are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Do I need to join SMRI to do a Track Day?

  • NO.  The price is the same.  If you decide to race, then you'll need to join SMRI.

Do I need to be a member of the AMA to do a Track Day?

  • NO, not to do a Track Day.  AMA membership is only required to race with SMRI.

Do I need to take the RACE LICENSE SCHOOL?

  • Not for a track day. 

Is there any training required before I do a track day?

    • Not required but if you want some help and you are doing a Track Day, there will be a FREE track orientation class (about an hour) that will cover track protocol, track entry & exit, flags, etc. first thing that morning.  Attendance is required if you've never done a track day before.  It highly recommended for riders new to the track.  It's a great opportunity to have any questions answered.  For info on the race license school, please see our SMRI Race License School page.

How is the "atmosphere" on Track Days or Race Event weekends for new racers or track day riders?

  • You'll find that most everyone is very friendly & helpful at all of our events.

What if I decide that I want to race?

  • First, you'll need to take the Race License School to get your license.  You'll need to prep your bike further per the SMRI Rule Book (safety wiring drain bolts & caliper bolts, getting a back protector as examples.)  The added requirements are all about safety.  When you're out on the track racing & pushing yourself, you'll be glad that you & everyone else around you has prepared their bikes properly.  You'll need to be a member of the AMA ($49 per year) & a Racing Member of SMRI ($125 per year).

Copyright 2022 Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing, Inc..
"SMRI" is a New Mexico corporation. PO Box 11806, Albuquerque, NM  87192

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