Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing, Inc.

SMRI Leadership Directory

SMRI's structure is largely governed by the club's legal bylaws, which you can view at SMRI Bylaws .

To make a long story short, there are three types of club officers.  Permanent members of the Board of Directors, Elected Officers whose duties are defined in the club's bylaws, and Appointed Officials whose duties are defined by the combined Board of Directors and the Elected Officers.

The current holders of each office are shown below, along with their contact information.  Feel free to contact any of them if you have questions you can't find answers to, if you need something specific from the club, if you wish to offer your services to the club, or if you just want to introduce yourself and make a new friend!

Board of Directors (permanent):

Board of Directors - Board Member

Board of Directors - Board Member

Board of Directors - Board Member

Elected Officers (two year terms):

President (Term 2022-2024)

Vice President (Term 2021 - 2022)

Secretary (Term 2020-2022)

New Rider Director (Term 2022- 2024)

Appointed Officials (one year term):

Treasurer ( Term: 2022)

Timing and Scoring Official

Tech and Safety

Chief Track Marshal

Marketing Co-Director


Copyright 2022 Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing, Inc..
"SMRI" is a New Mexico corporation. PO Box 11806, Albuquerque, NM  87192

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