The 2021 Board members would like the membership to join us for a town hall meeting. We will be hosting 3 meetings via Zoom so that everyone gets a chance to attend one that meets their schedule. The meetings are scheduled for:
- Thursday Jan 7@ 6:30pm,
- Friday Jan 8 @ 6:30pm, and
- Sunday Jan 10 @ 6:30pm
Attendance is not mandatory, however we hope that you will join us in discussing how we all can help the club make the most of the up coming season.
Questions are still welcome in advance, we'll address all of them during the meetings. The more questions and input that we receive ahead of time will allow us if need to do research or contact anyone who might not be on the line for the meetings. Email your questions to
Thank you,
SMRI Club Officers
This is the information for the FIRST meeting on Thursday January 7, 2021.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 3444 8514
Passcode: SMRI2021
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+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 945 3444 8514
Passcode: 70952254
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